Friss tételek

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie spazieren auf der Straße. Eine Touristin kommt Ihnen entgegen und fragt Sie folgendes

  • wo sich das Stadtmuseum befindet,
  • wie sie zum Museum kommt,
  • wie lange der Weg zu Fuß dauert!

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie möchten mit drei Freunden einen Ausflug in Leipzig machen.

Sie haben die Aufgabe, telefonisch ein 4-Bett-Zimmer zu reservieren.
Rufen Sie die Jugendherberge an!

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie möchten ein Haus mieten und haben diese Anzeige in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung gefunden

   Sachsenhausen, nettes RH, kl. Gart. EBK, Loggia,
   Bad, G-WC, Hobbyraum, Parkett, 117m2, Gar. 1210,-+
   NK+Kt. GID Immob. GmbH Herr Müller Tel. 069/796431

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie haben Gäste eingeladen, deshalb haben Sie viel zu tun. Sie wollen im Haus aufräumen, einkaufen gehen, kochen und backen.

Besprechen Sie mit Ihrer Mutter:
· was im Haus zu machen ist und wer welche Hausarbeiten erledigt,
· wer einkaufen geht und was gekauft werden muss,
· was Sie den Gästen anbieten wollen (Essen, Getränke),
· wer die Speisen zubereitet.

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie haben Zahnschmerzen. Sie rufen bei Praxis Dr. Stefanidis an.

  • Stellen Sie sich vor und sagen Sie, warum Sie angerufen haben!
  • Fragen Sie nach einem passenden Termin!
  • Bedanken Sie sich und verabschieden Sie sich!

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie möchten ein gebrauchtes Fahrrad kaufen und Sie haben diese Anzeige im „Inserat” gefunden

     He.-Fahrrad 5-Gang, Np 600,-
     VB 150.-. Tel. 73 35 98 22 Herr Braun

Situationen - Kandidatenblätter - Sie sind im Kaufhaus und möchten einen Pullover kaufen.

• Sagen Sie, was Sie möchten.
• Sagen Sie, was für einen Pullover Sie möchten. (Größe, Farbe, Preis)
•Fragen Sie, wo Sie ihn anprobieren können.

Puskin: Jevgenyij Anyegin (1799-1837)

Főnemesi család sarja, francia nevelők vigyáztak rá. Nem emlékszik szívesen a gyermekkorára. Dajkájához kötődik, így ismerkedik meg az orosz népköltészettel. Zöld lámpa: szabad politikai nézeteket vall, ezért figyelik. I. Sándor száműzi, így vándorolni kezd. I. Miklós maga mellé veszi az udvarba és állandóan figyelteti.

Petőfi Sándor Az apostol (1823-1849)

Kiskőrösön született 1823. jan. 1-én. Apja Petrovics István mészárosmester, anyja a Hrúz Mária. 1824-ben Kiskunfélegyházára költöztek, itt tanult meg magyarul. Jó körülmények között élt, ez lehetővé tette a gondos taníttatást. Összesen 9 iskolában tanult, ez azzal az előnnyel járt, hogy már fiatalon igen gazdag élettapasztalatokkal rendelkezett. 1835-38-ig Aszódon tanult, itt egyike volt a legjobb tanulóknak. 1838-ban a tanév végi záróünnepségen ő mondta a búcsúbeszédet. 1838-ban iratkozott be a selmeci liceumba.

Mikszáth Kálmán (1847-1910)

Szklabonyán született, 1847. január 16-án. Apja Mikszáth János bérlő és kisbirtokos, anyja, Veres Mária családjából jeles evangélikus lelkész ősöket mutathat fel.
Tízéves koráig szülőfalujában élt, boldog gyermekkorának élménye egész pályáját végigkísérte.
1857-63-ban a rimaszombati protestáns algimnáziumban, 1863-66-ban a selmecbányai evangélikus líceumban tanult.

Jókai Mór - Az aranyember (1825-1904)

1825-ben született Komáromban. Liberális, hazafias szellemben nevelkedett. Először Komáromban tanult, majd Pozsonyba került. 1837-ben édesapja meghalt. 1841-1842-ben a pápai református kollégiumban barátkozott össze Petőfi Sándorral. 1842-1844 között Kecskeméten jogot hallgatott és meg is szerezte az ügyvédi oklevelet, amit aztán sosem használt.

Ady Endre - szerelmi költészete (1877-1919)

Érmindszenten (Erdély északi része) született. Apja Lőrinc hétszilvafás nemes. Anyja Pásztor Mária papok és tanítók leszármazottja a gimnáziumot a Nagy Károly Piarista gimnáziumban végzi, majd a gimnázium felső osztályát Zilahon, református gimnáziumban folytatja. Debrecenben jogi akadémiára iratkozik, de otthagyja és újságírással kezd foglalkozni. A debreceni Hírlap munkatársa és itt jelenik meg az első verseskötete “Versek” címen 1899-ben. Ez a kötete még nem az igazi Ady hang.

Arany János ballada költészete (1817-1882)

Arany János 1817 március 2-án született, Nagyszalontán. Apja kevés földdel és kis házzal bíró földműves volt. A család súlyos tüdőbajjal volt megáldva, a nyolc gyerek közül csupán kettő maradt életben (János és Sára). Érzékeny, félénk, visszahúzódó gyermek volt. Iskoláit 1823 és 1833 között végezte Nagyszalontán (segédtanítói állás), majd ezt követően Debrecenben.

Amerikai barát egri kirándulása

-You look worried,what's you problem?
+ There's something I want to discuss with you. You know, tomorrow is the last day of my American friend's stay in Hungary. I am planning something special for her. I have decided to take her to see a sight, she hasn't visited yet.

Szituáció: Partiszervezés

- Hi xy, what are you up to?
+ I am organising a party for some of my classmates and a few visiting students from England.
- That's a really good idea. Which evening do you think is the best?
+ English students will leave on Sunday so the party must be on Saturday evening.
- When do you plan to start and finish this party?

Szituáció: Nyári tábor kiválasztása

- Hi xy, you look worried! Have you got any problems? 
+No,not really. But I have to decide which summer school camp I want to go.
- What are the possibilites?

Szituáció: TV csatornák

- Hi XY! What’s up?
+ I am OK, but I have a difficult problem to solve.
- Oh, what is your problem?
+ We have only 3 Hungarian TV channels at home. We would like to watch a wider variety of TV programmes. We will subscribe to a cable TV package and I have to choose 4 TV programmes.
- Which TV channels can you choose from?

Szituáció: Díj választása

- Hi...! What has happened to you recently?
+ Imagine, I have won a poetry competition at my school.
- Really? What did you get?
+ I can choose from 3 different prizes.

Szituáció: Utazás a Hortobágyra

-        Hi, Paul, you look very serious, what is in your mind?
+        Hi, David! You Know, we are organising a one-day trip.
-        Oh, that’s great! Where will you go?
+        We haven’t decided it yet. There are three possible destination, we can go to H.N.P. , to a museum in Bp. or to the ’Kis Balaton Nemzeti Park’.
-        Which one do you prefer?

Szituáció: Kisállat

 -        Hi Zsolt, you look worried, what’s your problem?
+        My problem is the very same I had yesterday I would like to get a new pet.
-        I don’t think it is a good idea, but let’s have a talk about it! First of all, what kind of pet would you like to have?

Szituáció: Barát elköltözik

Hi …! You look worried, what’s your problem?
+ You know, one of my friends has decided to move to an other town of the country.
Where exactly?

Szituáció: Mozi látogatás

- Hi ......! Don't you think that it was a really hard week?
+Yes, this week was very tiring. We should relax somehow. What about going to the cinema?
- Oh it's a good idea. Which film should we watch?
+ In the nearby cinema the Die Hard 6 is on.


Nowadays computers are used in all fields of life. You can find them in banks, post offices, shops, hospitals, restaurants, pharmacies, libraries, offices, factories, homes and so on.


Every day hundreds of people travel from one place to another. They travel to work, to school, or on business. Many people travel for pleasure and travelling has recently become one of the most popular hobbies. Travelling is also an interesting way of spending holidays. In every season of the year the airports, railway stations, seaports, and bus stops are full of people travelling for long or short distances. 

When people travel a long distance they usually travel by air. Travelling by air is exciting, fast comfortable, relatively safe but rather expensive. In the 20th century it became one of the most important means of transport. It takes nearly 6 hours by plane to get from the western to the eastern coast of the U.S.A. There are several American Airlines, all of them are private. They include the most popular and biggest airline companies such as the Pan American, Delta… When people choose to travel by plane they usually go or phone to the airlines or travel agency to get information about flights. At the airport the passengers travelling with international or intercontinental airlines have to show their flight tickets and passports. An official weight of their luggage can take only 20 kg. Passengers must also go through the customs. Then they can go to the departure lounge. In the plane the stewardess shows them their seats. Before the aircraft moves, the notices flash up „Fasten Your Safety Belts” and „No Smoking”. During the flight the stewardess offers the passengers some meals, drinks, cigarettes and sweets. The passengers can also read magazines. Traveling by train is the most common form of travelling. In our country trains are used daily by many people to and from work or school. They are cheap, less polluting, safe but not very clean and comfortable. Fast trains are more comfortable for longer distances. They do not stop at every station. There are also a sleeping car and the dinning car in fast long distance trains. Coaches are buses for long distance travelling. They are fast, comfortable and the prices of tickets are quite reasonable. During holidays the travel agencies offer many coach trips to the mountains or seaside resorts. Many people say that car is the most comfortable means of travelling and seeing places. Others think it is just a necessity because it is quicker than public transport. But for many people motoring is a pleasure. They enjoy driving a car at a high speed and do not think of the dangers of fast driving. The cars are comfortable and quick, but they are not safe and are rather expensive. In spite of that the number of cars on our roads and highways grows higher and higher every year. The growing number of cars is a danger not only for people but also for environment of the country. Many young people of all countries of the world like travelling by bike. Some go to school by bike; others prefer cycling as a sport or a hobby. In recent years many young people go for holiday trips by bike which is healthy and exciting. This type of travelling depend much on weather and therefore summer is the best season for cycling tours

Free time activities: Watching TV

 Young people prefer films to books. I can watch a film with my friends and my family but I can only read a book when I am alone.


I always listen to the radio in the mornings while I’m in the bathroom and while I’m on the bus to school. The radio is on my mobile phone.
My favourite Hungarian radio station is Class FM because I like music programmes. Class FM is a commercial radio station and there is always lots of music on it. I think this station is really popular with young people.

Visit to a hospital

During  last summer, one of my friends had an accident and was taken to hospital. When I went to see him, I went to the hospital for the very first time in my life.

Eating habits

A day I have 3 meal times. At morning after 8 or 9 o’clock I have breakfast. Around 2 o’clock I have lunch at home because I don’t like canteen food.  Sometimes it’s with family but sometimes I eat alone. And after 4 o’clock I have dinner. Usually I have a sandwich and mineral water for breakfast. Usually I eat meat-soup and the second meal is chicken in breadcrumbs with rice or with roast potatoes.  For dinner I eat different things every day. I like ordering meals by phone for dinner. I call them, give my order and they deliver the food in an hour. Every day my mom cooks the meals. Sometimes I help  her. I can cook, too but usually I make fast food like fried eggs or boiled sausages. At weekend I usually eat lunch with my family. On Sundays we often go to eat out. When we celebrate birthdays sometimes we eat out with the whole family in an elegant restaurant. I think the most important factors when we eat out are the taste of food and that the place is clean. We always eat 2 or 3 courses but at Christmas and New Year Eve we always cook special dishes. Our favourite is fish soup and stuffed cabbage and chocolate cake. But we have special habits because of my father. He is diabetic. So if my mother makes cookies or cake she can’t put much sugar into them. We lay the table for formal occasions only. First I put a very nice tablecloth on the table. Then I put the plates, glasses, napkins and cutlery onto it. I decorate the table with flowers and candles.

Eating habits in the family

On weekdays normally I eat four times a day. These meals are breakfast, elevenses, lunch and dinner. At weekends I have a substantial breakfast when I get up, lunch at one o’clock, and dinner at seven. For breakfast I usually have a slice of bread and a cup of tea that my father prepare. At weekends I usually have a bigger breakfast, not only a piece of toast but also fried or scrambled eggs and some yoghurt and sometimes some fruit, a banana or an orange. Unfortunatelly my whole family has only dinner together for we are very busy on weekdays. This is when we discuss the day’s happenings and make plans. But at weekends we always spend more time together. Occasionally we go to restaurant to celebrate a birthday, a nameday or a wedding aniversary and we have a special meal. In my family the main meal is the lunch when we eat more courses. But the most important is the breakfast, because we have to gather enough energy for the day. Usually my mother does the cooking in our family. She is a real ,,gastronome”. I quite often help her though. I like it but I can only prepare some of the basic dishes as scrambled eggs, and pancakes. I don’t think it’s difficult to learn it if you are interested in. There are a lot of cookery books with detailed instructions and TV programmes where it is shown how to cook. But I must admit the cooking isn’t my cup of tea. In my family nobody has got special eating habits. Nowadays there are more and more vegetarians, who live on diary products, eggs, vegetables and fruit. Vegans don’t eat any animal products at all. This selection isn’t characteristic oy my family. We are so called ,,omnivorous”. We aren’t on a special diet, we have never taken care of our weights. It isn’t necessary. As for me I haven’t got a sweet tooth but I love the junk food as hamburger and chips. It is full of with preservatives and additives, which are very harmful for the health.
A typical Hungarian Sunday lunch consist of three courses: first comes soup ( vegertable, meat, or fruit soup). The second course is either some meat (pork, beef, veal, chicken, duck, turkey or fish) with potatoes, rice or some vegetable dish made from peas, beans, cabbage or lentils. The second course may also be some noodles with cottage cheese or pancakes. The third course is usually some cake or fruit. In any case before the meals we have to lay the table. First we put a nicely ironed tablecloth on the table. We put the plates, glasses and cutlery onto it. The knife and the spoon go on the right-hand side and the fork goes on the left. We place the napkins in rings next to the plates, and some cruets in several places on the table. We might decorate the table with flowers and candles. The most popular Hungarian dishes are fish soup, chicken soup, goulas, stuffed cabbage, crepes with minced meat and cheese in breadcrumbs, and all kinds os stews. If I have an English guest I will present her these meals. A foreigner might find Hungarian cuisine a little strange because there’s red paprika in almost every dish, which makes it hot. Not only is Hungarian food spicy, it is also quite fatty. On the other hand it’s worth tasting.

Choosing a career

Choosing a career is a very important step in everybody's life. Most children and some students don't have clear ideas about their future job. Boys usually want to be pilots, astronauts, designers,
architects, soldiers. Girls on the other hand dream about  becoming actresses, singers, ballet - dancers, dressmakers, nurses or teachers. Some children want to follow their parents or parents want their children to work in the same line as they did.

Part time jobs

Yes, I’ve already had a paid job at the ZOO, in Budapest, in summer.  I was at the house of palms and I had to help people working there. I could help almost everywhere.
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