Friss tételek

4. School

 IV. témakör – Az iskola

  • saját iskolájának bemutatása

  • tantárgyak, órarend, érdeklődési kör, tanulmányi munka, tervek

  • a nyelvtanulás, a nyelvtudás szerepe, fontossága

  • az iskolai élet tanuláson kívüli eseményei, iskolai hagyományok

  • Introduce your school. Who is it named after? How old is the building? How many floors has it got? How many classrooms and other school premises are there in it? Are the labs and classrooms well-equipped? 

  • What do you like most about your school? Why did you choose to study here? (Did you choose it at all?) Have you got a busy timetable? What are your favourite subjects? What are your weak points? What are you interested in? What are you planning to learn after the school-leaving exam?

  • What is your class like? Do you have a good time with your classmates? Do you get on well with your formteacher? What is the teacher-student relationship like? What makes a good teacher?

  • Which languages do you learn? Why did you choose these ones? How long have you been learning English? What do you find enjoyable and boring about learning it? Do you find it useful? How can you practise English? Have you ever taken a language exam? What level was it? Have you got any plans in connection with languages?

  • Are there any special events in your school? How do you welcome students and those who are about to leave school? How do you celebrate national holidays? Are there any sports events, adventure trails? Do you go for school trips with your class? Which one did you enjoy the most?

  • What is the system of education in Hungary like? How is the education system in Britain different from ours?

Language learning

How important is it for you to speak languages? 

Speaking a language is inevitable in our modern world. Since Hungarian is not a widely spoken language, you have to be familiar with at least one foreign language to be able to get along in life. In all walks of life (életpálya) speaking a language at a high conversational level is required. One can’t go to a job interview without being able to speak a foreign language. Moreover, you have to express yourself clearly to get accepted and be given the job. Nowadays the most advisable language to study is English. It is considered an international language in a lot of areas, especially when using a computer. Together with French it is the language of diplomacy. For Hungarians it is also useful to have a good command (beszédkészség) of German in case you are planning to use good job opportunities in Austria and Germany.

When do you use you foreign language skills? How do you improve them?

videos, games, chatting, homework, international projects, etc.

The importance of learning languages: (Why are you studying English?) 

You can

-talk freely to each other about business, politics, culture, hobbies, sport 

-promote (elmélyít) friendship and understanding among people 

-establish ties to other nations 

-make friends 

-learn about other people’s culture, way of life 

-read authors in the original 

-understand foreign TV channels 

-better informed about the world 

-make yourself understood while travelling 

You have more chance 

-to travel on business 

-to get a scholarship (ösztöndíj) 

-to go abroad to study 

-to read scientific articles 

-to keep abreast of (lépést tart) the latest discoveries and inventions 

I have been learning German for 8 years and English for 4 years. I prefer English because I find it much easier to learn and I can pick up new words when playing games and watching films.

It’s important to learn languages. First of all, I can make myself understood when I’m on holiday abroad. Also, I can understand films and lyrics.

I am taking the language exam because it’s required (megkövetelt) to enter a university. Besides, I have to take an advanced final exam in a subject of my choice or one that the university requires.

The system of education in Hungary

If the parents work and have no other chance children go to a crèche. After that, they go to a kindergarten / nursery school, from the age of 3 to 6 or 7. They start primary school at the age of 6 or 7. In Hungary you can start secondary school at the age of 11, 13 or 15. It can either be a grammar school or a vocational school where you can learn a trade. At the end of secondary school you take the final exam (in Hungarian grammar, literature, history, a foreign language and another chosen subject). Then you can go on to higher education, like to a university, a college  or learn a trade. If you still want to learn, you can choose to take part in a postgraduate course like a PhD programme.

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