Within the European Union, The so-called Blue Banana is the most developed district. Its extension: Southern part of England – Benelux states – Ruhr Region – the valley of River Rhine – Switzerland – Northern Italy.
- The most developed economy and industry
- 44% of the workers are employed in the industry
- Outstanding: machine industry, factory equipment, vehicles and electronic goods
- Thyssen: the biggest metallurgical corporation
- Car-making: Volkswagen, Mercedes
- Chemical industry: Bayer, BASF
- 1990: unified Germany, the equalization between the two parts took up several years
- Varied natural resources & well-balanced economic structure
- Industry: in the surroundings of Paris and in the North
- Other development centres: Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux
Great Britain
- After the loss of her colonies England has fallen behind her European competitors
After this:
- Rapid development in Southern England
- The old industrial districts of Central England suffer from the crises of coal mining, metallurgy and textile industry even today
- Less developed: The North (Scotland), oil production and microelectronics
The Benelux countries and Denmark
- Overdeveloped metropolises: Copenhagen (Denmark), Amsterdam, Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Brussels (Belgium)
- In Belgium, the Fertile Flemish part by the seacoast was outstanding for decades
- The least-developed country of Western Europe
- In recent decades, tax allowances were granted for foreigners in order to facilitate industrialization
The less developed peripheral part of the EC is the Mediterranean area.
- The Industry of Spain, Portugal and Greece expanded rapidly in the last few decades
- Favourable natural conditions: they are the main suppliers of early vegetables, citruses, wine and edible oils on the European market
- TOURISM. Spain and Italy are the 2 most important countries
- The Northern part is more developed than the Southern one, it has historical roots
- In the North: Turin-Milan-Genoa triangle
- Po Valley: very fertile plain
The newly-joined countries mainly belong to the pheripheral countries of the European Union, except for some developed districts. These countries cannot catch up with the developed central parts and not just because of their physical position but their size and previous development are also not the class of the field.
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