Friss tételek

At the doctor's

Good morning, Mr Morgan!
Man: Good morning!
Doctor: How do you feel, Mr Morgan?
Man: Not very well.
Doctor: What’s your problem? What can I do for you?
Man: I have a terrible headache. I’m coughing and my nose is running.
Doctor: Do you have a fever?
Man: No, fortunately I don’t have a fever but sometimes I feel a bit dizzy.
Doctor: I see. Get undressed, please. I have to examine you.
Man: All right.
Doctor: Well, I don’t see anything serious, but I think you should stay at home for a few days. You shouldn’t go to work. You should drink a lot of hot tea, but you shouldn’t drink any cold drinks. If you feel worse, come back.
Man: Thank you. Do I have to take any medicine?
Doctor: Yes, you have to take these pills three times a day always before your meals.
Man: All right. Thank you very much. Bye!
Doctor: Bye!


How do you feel?Hogy érzi magát?
Not very well.Nem túl jól.
I feel ill./I feel sick.  – Betegnek érzem magam./Rosszul vagyok.
What’s your problem?Mi a problémája?
What can I do for you?Mit tehetek önért?
I’m coughing./My nose is running.  – Köhögök./ Folyik az orrom.
Get undressed! I have to examine you! Vetkőzzön le! Meg kell vizsgálnom!
All right.Rendben van.
I don’t see anything serious.Nem látok semmi komolyat.
Do I have to take any medicine?Kell valamilyen gyógyszert szednem?
Take these pills … times a day before/after your meals.Vegye be ezeket a tablettákat … alkalommal naponta étkezések előtt/után.


to have a … achevalakinek fáj a …
headache/stomach ache/earache/toothachefejfájás/gyomorfájás/fülfájás/fogfájás
to have a sore throatfáj a torka
to have nausea/to have diarrhoeahányingere van/hasmenése van
to be constipatedszorulása van
to be/feel sickrosszul van, hányingere van
to have a temperature/a feverhőemelkedése van/láza van
to feel dizzyszédül
to examinemegvizsgál
to feel worse/betterrosszabbul/jobban érzi magát
to take medicinegyógyszert szedni

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