Nowadays Japan is one of the countries which produces the most rapid economic development. In the last decades of the twentieth century, we can talk about a kind of explosion in the case of Japan and the little tigers. Although Japan has been isolated for several centuries and belonged to the losers of the Second World War, it has undergone a rapid development thanks to the contribution of the USA.
It has several causes:
- Japan invested a lot of money into huge projects and spent little money on military purposes;
- Relying on the scientific breakthroughs Japan introduced the most up-to-date machinery products and production methods;
- disciplined and cheap Japanese labour force
- exemplary cooperation amongst the industrial branches and their workers;
- The cheap and high quality products initially conquered the South Asian region and later the whole world market and Japan supplelyrugalmasan accommodated itself to the foreign demands.
- A very efficient educational system was formed in order to ensure the economic development.
Japan is poor in mineral resources. This is why it is the greatest importer of raw materials and energy resources in the world. The needed coal, iron ore and uranium ore is imported by its own fleet. Primarily from those countries where there opened mines with Japanese financial support. Japan imports mineral oil from the Middle East and it is processed in oil refineries and chemical industries that are installed on the coasts. The Indian iron ore, the Malaysian and Philippine non-ferrous metals and the Australian bauxite are also processed by them. The production of crude iron and steel is on the forefront in the world.The most important branch of processing industry is machine production. Within precision engineering the machine-tool industry and vehicle-making are the most important. In tanker and car making Japan is the number one in the world. And in the production of electronic and informatic tools as well. Japan installed those factories to South Korea and Hong-kong where less up-to-date products are made. For those industrial branches where planes, missiles, satellites and industrial robots are formed, separated technopolises are formed. The cities not only ensure work for their dwellers but healthy and nice environment as well. There is a Silicon valley (like in the USA) which is a technology park.
Japan organizes its transportation via eight great and one thousand smaller ports. The greatest ports are in Osaka. The merchant fleet is the third greatest in the world. The rail transport is very precise and quick in the country.
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